Talk:Opensim 2.0

From Open Metaverse Wiki
Revision as of 15:41, 16 April 2023 by Tess (talk | contribs) (Propsed name change)
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"Opensim 2.0 is the name we are giving to our first test platform." I think we should change that name. I do agree that the Open Metaverse must be based on opensim but as an independent fork, not as a replacement for the official one. In the end there may well be no shared code at all. Besides,'s dev team will continue to develop their take on the softare and it will be very confusing if two different teams use the same name.

I suggest we simply call it Open Metaverse because that is exactly what it is. Meta did not come up with the metaverse name and I can't imagine they have any proprietary rights to it.