From Open Metaverse Wiki
Revision as of 11:46, 28 June 2023 by Animats (talk | contribs) (Begin glTF documentation)
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Both Second Life and Open Simulator are adding a new class of assets for physically-based rendering. For an overview, see PBR Materials in the Second Lif Wiki.[1] This Wiki entry covers how the data about physically based materials is conveyed from server to viewer.

Object updates

Object updates can have "extra parameters", for objects such as lights and flexis. For glTF materials, two new types of "extra parameter" have been added.


Extra parameter code: 0x80.

Content: an array of (face index, UUID).

An example is

  • LLRenderMaterialParamsItem { idx: 2, id: 342177da-8093-c28f-cb5e-e1f02fabaa8b },
  • LLRenderMaterialParamsItem { idx: 0, id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 }]

A zero UUID is null, and it is not yet clear what a zero UUID means in this context.

Reflection Probe

Extra parameter code: 0x90.

Content: One entry of (ambience, clip distance, flags)